================================================ version 2 1, add 2017-2019 data 2, change the PBLH calculation slightly (in version 1 we used ustar from ERA5 but in version 2 we used ustar = 0.3) ================================================ version 1 1, This boundary layer dataset is generated based on AMDAR measurements available at MADIS. The temperature (including potential temperature), humidity (including relative humidity) and wind data have been interpolated at regular height levels with the resolution as 20 m under 5000 m [0:20:5000]. For details, please refer to Zhang et al. (2019) Development and Evaluation of a Long-Term Data Record of Planetary Boundary Layer Profiles From Aircraft Meteorological Reports, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124. 2, The PBLH is estimated using the bulk Richardson number method as a first test. We have not formally validated or published the methodology so use it with caution. But if you want the details now, please contact Dan Li (lidan@bu.edu). variable long name unit RH relative humidity % SH specific humidity g/g T air temperature K THETA air potential temperature K U zonal wind speed m/s V meridional wind speed m/s TIME Year/Month/Day/Hour (00:00-23:00) HEIGHT height above the ground m PBLH boundary layer height above ground m