These files contain the Global Rain-fed, Irrigated, and Paddy Croplands (GRIPC) data set, described in Salmon, et al. (2014). This compressed archive contains both the full-resolution version of the map, stored in 273 tiles covering the world's land areas, as well as a lower-resolution summarized version of the map, stored in 3 files each representing summed are in a map class. Full-resolution Version: Geotiff tiles follow the format used for "500-m" resolution MODIS products. They are stored in sinusoidal projection, an equal-area format. The true resolution is 463.312717m. The classes are (1) Rain-fed cropland, (2) Irrigated cropland, (3) paddy cropland, and (4) non-cropland. Files are named according to their tile coordinates: GRIPC_h##v##.tif Summarized Version: Class areas are summarized and provided at 5 arc-minute resolution, geographic. Area units are hectares. Files are in ESRI ASCII grid format. Files are named according to their class: GRIPC_classname_area.asc References: Salmon, J. M., M. A. Friedl, S. Frolking, D. Wisser, E. Douglas (2014). Global Rain-fed, Irrigated, and Paddy Croplands: A New High Resolution Map Derived from Remote Sensing, Crop Inventories and Climate Data, submitted to International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation.