To generate a classifiation map of areas where ALDs occured we generated a PCA image from planet imagery for the desired dates. The final classification map that is being shared is a combination of three different classification maps (since different dates covered different areas). We used a random forest classifier and extracted features from the PCA images to generate the classification results. rasterized classification results: 20230704_20230806_20230819_20230920_RNIR_PCA_class_combine_V2_45min_V1_rasterized.tif tif file that contains the classification results that also have some post processing done on them (can refer to the methods document to understand what post processing was done) Legend: (1) non-ald (2) ALD (3) ALD from September 20 There are two classes for ALDs because there is a lower confidence associated with ALDs that only were classified as ALD on September 20 PCA files (each is a muli-band image): 20230704RNIR_20230806RNIR_PCA.tif 20230704RNIR_20230819RNIR_PCA.tif 20230704RNIR_20230920RNIR_PCA.tif 20230704RNIR_20230806RNIR_20230819RNIR_PCA.tif The file name indicates which images were used to generate the PCA image. From each image the red and NIR band were used.